
What You Put in Your Body Affects Your Health Greatly

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What You Put in Your Body Affects Your Health Greatly

I have always been one of those people who could eat whatever they wanted and never gain weight, and due to that fact, I never used to put much thought into what I ate. When I started experiencing health problems, my doctor ordered some tests and found that I was experiencing anemia due to an iron-deficient diet. I am grateful I had this "wake up call" before I continued to eat a bad diet for the rest of my life, because I soon also realized my diet was lacking vitamins and minerals. I changed my eating habits and began to feel much better. I began juicing to take advantage of all of the vitamins and minerals in healthy, fresh juice. I have learned a lot about health during my commitment to leading a healthier lifestyle, so I decided to start a blog to share my health advice with the world!

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How Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy Might Help A Pinched Nerve In Your Lower Back

If you're having trouble with back or hip pain, the cause might be due to nerve compression. When a disc in your spine presses against a nerve in your lower back, you could feel pain in the area of the compression or in your hip or leg. Surgery is one option for this condition, but your doctor may want you to try other forms of treatment first.

Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy might be an effective way to decrease your pain and speed the healing of your spine. Here's some information on how it works.

What Causes Nerve Compression

Nerve compression can be caused by an injury or a medical condition. Nerve compression might be temporary and heal quickly, or it might be chronic and lead to chronic pain and nerve damage. A herniated disc, fall or car accident, bone spur, arthritis, or even repetitive motion can cause nerve compression, which is also called a pinched nerve.

Why Spinal Decompression Therapy Works

Non-surgical decompression of the spine works by relieving pressure on your pinched nerve. Your spine is aligned so the disc lifts off the nerve for several minutes during the treatment session. This allows blood, nutrients, and oxygen to flood the area and help with healing.

Non-surgical therapy might not be suitable for all conditions of nerve compression, but if you're a good candidate, the therapy might help your back heal over a period of weeks and several sessions.

How Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Is Done

The treatments are given with you positioned on a table lying on your front or back. The lower portion of the decompression table is controlled by a computer, and it moves in a way that repositions your spine or applies traction so the disc lifts off the nerve and stops the irritation for the duration of your treatment.

Being on a decompression table isn't uncomfortable or painful, and it may even help with immediate pain relief. However, you may not experience maximum relief until you've had several sessions and your back has healed. The length of your treatments and the number of treatments you need are determined by your condition.

How Additional Treatments Can Speed Healing

In addition to using the decompression table, your doctor might have you undergo other treatments to help your back heal. These treatments can be done along with your spinal decompression therapy or you may take the decompression treatments alone depending on your condition.

Your doctor might recommend massage to increase blood flow in your back, physical therapy to strengthen your core and back muscles, and stretching to increase flexibility so you heal quicker and reduce your chance of having another pinched nerve.

For more information on spinal decompression therapy, talk to your local doctor today.