Tips For Controlling Your Child's Asthma
Learning that your child has asthma can be very stressful and alarming. While asthma can be a dangerous condition, the good news is that with the proper treatment, it can be controlled. The keys are to understand the disease, work closely with your child's doctors, and teach your child how to manage his or her condition, especially when he or she is away from you. It can take a little bit of time to get used to parenting a child with asthma, but with effort you will develop the skills and knowledge to keep your child safe and healthy. If your child has asthma, use the following tips to control his or her condition.
Stick to the Asthma Action Plan
When your child is diagnosed with asthma, his or her doctor will create a detailed asthma action plan. In almost all cases, this plan will be in writing so you can easily refer to it when needed. An asthma action plan is typically quite detailed and includes directions for administering medications, tips for avoiding your child's asthma triggers, and information to help you recognize asthma flare-ups. In addition, your child's doctor will provide information about what symptoms and signs indicate that your child needs immediate medical attention.
Administer Medications Exactly as Prescribed
If your child has asthma, he or she will likely be prescribed several medications. Many kids with asthma take daily medication that is designed to help prevent asthma attacks. Your child will also most likely be prescribed an inhaler that is filled with rescue medication, which is to be used in an emergency when an asthma attack occurs. Additional medication may be used with a nebulizer when your child is having difficulty breathing properly. Make sure that you understand exactly what medications are prescribed to your child and know how to administer each one properly.
Have Your Child Get an Annual Flu Shot
It is highly recommended that all kids get a flu shot annually, but this vaccine is especially important for children who have asthma. Since the flu virus affects the respiratory system, children with asthma are more prone to complications if they contract the flu. When you have your child get the flu shot each year, it will add an extra layer of protection to help ensure that your child's asthma does not flare up and cause serious issues that may require hospitalization.
For more information on asthma treatment options, contact your local medical office today.