Signs That You Do Not Have A Yeast Infection
Some women are prone to yeast infections and over the counter medications can often be used to treat them. However, sometimes a yeast infection may not go away. These may lead you to struggle for weeks to resolve your infection issue. In some cases, you may not be experiencing a yeast infection at all. This means that your treatments are surely not going to help resolve the problem. Keep reading to learn about some telltale signs that you are not dealing with a traditional yeast infection problem:
You Detect A Strong Odor
You probably already know that yeast infections involve the overgrowth of yeast inside the vagina. Well, your vagina naturally contains bacterial colonies along with the yeast. When the bacteria overgrows, you can develop a bacterial infection called bacterial vaginosis. The problem is not an infection in a traditional sense where foreign microorganisms cause cell damage and inflammation. In this case, the bacteria overgrowth needs to be controlled and stopped in the same way that the yeast overgrowth does.
One of the telltale signs of bacterial vaginosis is a strong odor coming from the vaginal discharge. The odor may be a strong "fishy" one or it may smell like a rotten food item. This can be quite alarming, but the issue is not as serious as it may seem. In some cases, the infection can go away on its own. While this is true, it is wise to seek out the assistance of your gynecologist. The professional can take a culture, test it, and prescribe an antibiotic for the problem. You may be asked to take an oral medication or use one that is inserted in the vagina.
Yellow Or Green Discharge
Discharge can be white or light yellow color if you have a yeast infection. However, if you notice discharge that is darker yellow or even green, then this is a sign that you may have a disease called trichomoniasis. This illness is an STD and involves the Trichomonas vaginitis protozoa. Do not panic just yet though. The STD is the most common one that can be fully treated.
Green or yellow discharge are common features of the STD, but you may also notice some burning sensations when you urinate and also some itching, burning, and soreness.
Trichomoniasis can be diagnosed with a culture and it can be treated with a short course of oral medication. Since the STD is only passed sexually and during unprotected sexual contact, your gynecologist may speak to you about the correct methods to protect yourself from future issues.
Contact a medical office like Naples OBGYN for more information and assistance.