Getting Rid Of Your Acne Scars: Options For You
When you have suffered through the difficulties and frustrations of acne throughout your life, you may have some acne scars on your face to show for it. Acne scars can be embarrassing and frustrating to deal with on a daily basis. However, there are numerous options available to you that may help you with your acne scars. Get to know some of the treatment options that dermatologists will perform so that you can pick a treatment option and schedule your appointment as soon as possible.
Laser Skin Treatment
Laser skin treatments are among the most popular treatment options if you are suffering from acne scars. These treatments use a form of concentrated light energy. The type of light energy and the intensity vary with the different types of skin treatment and can yield different results.
One of the more common laser skin treatments involves a relatively high-intensity laser, but in controlled short pulses. This is known as laser skin resurfacing and is done in anywhere from one to three sessions at the dermatologist's office.
The intensity of the laser creates thermal energy that is aimed at the scarred skin. This breaks down the skin cells, allowing for the body to generate new skin cells and collagen that plumps the skin. This reduces the appearance of scar tissue.
Radiofrequency Microneedling
Another treatment option for your acne scars is known as radiofrequency microneedling. This dermatological treatment option involves a twofold process. The microneedling involves the use of a device that has several small needles. These needles penetrate the skin when the device is moved across the skin of your face.
The microneedling process paves the way for the radiofrequency therapy. The thermal radiofrequency energy is targeted directly into the skin through the microneedling process. This heats the skin and stimulates the production of collagen under the surface of the skin. Your skin will plump and the pockets of skin that represent your acne scars will be minimized.
Over the course of several weeks or months, this radiofrequency microneedling therapy can help to reduce the appearance of even moderate or severe acne scars. This non-invasive treatment requires little healing time and is one of the best options for acne scars that are too severe for laser treatments to be effective.
With these acne scar treatment options in mind, you can give your dermatologist a call and schedule an appointment to begin the process of minimizing and getting rid of your acne scars once and for all. Click here to get more info.