Varicose Veins & Getting Rid Of Them
Do you have bulging veins in your legs that make it embarrassing to wear shorts? You might be suffering with varicose veins that can be treated through various methods if you make an appointment with a specialist. Find out in this article what you should know about varicose veins and the cost to get treated.
Why Do People Get Varicose Veins?
High blood pressure in the legs is the root problem of varicose veins developing. Basically, blood has a difficult time flowing through the veins, so you end up with the veins bulging through the skin. The bulging is the result of the blood thickening in the areas of your legs where the varicose veins are present. The condition can cause your legs to ache at night, and it can also make your legs feel unnaturally heavy.
It is possible that you inherited varicose veins because the condition runs in your family. If you have a problem with being overweight, it can also lead to varicose veins. Failing to move regularly walk around causes the condition as well.
How Can a Specialist Treat Varicose Veins?
If you don't have a bad case of varicose veins, the specialist can treat them through sclerotherapy. He or she will have to insert a needle in the veins to inject a chemical inside of them. The chemical will cause the veins to become scarred. Eventually, the scars will go away without any other treatment being required. He or she can treat small varicose veins by shining a laser on them so they will fade away.
Vascular surgery may be necessary if your varicose veins are severe. One of the procedures is called endoscopic vein surgery. The specialist will send a tube through the varicose veins that has a small camera on it. There is also a device attached to the camera that will allow the surgeon to close off the veins. An ambulatory phlebectomy can also be performed, which consists of the surgeon removing the varicose veins.
What Does Treating Varicose Veins Cost?
The cost to treat your varicose veins depends on the severity of your condition. The size of the veins will also have an effect on the overall price. You can expect treatment for varicose veins to cost a minimum of $200. However, the price can be as much as $1,000 on the highest end of the scale. Speak to a specialist like Cedar Surgical Associates PC for more information.